2023-2024 Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs)

The purpose of registering student organizations is to give them access to college facilities, funding, and opportunities for leadership development. The Office of Student Life oversees Registered Student Organizations (RSOs). RSO means an organization (including a club) comprised of Kellogg Community College (KCC) students, that is fully registered and in good standing with the Office of Student Life. The College will officially recognize student organizations that meet the criteria below; however, such recognition does not imply that KCC is liable for the actions of an organization because of its association with the College. RSOs agree to assume responsibility and hold harmless KCC, its trustees, employees, and agents for any and all liability that may result from actions conducted on- or off-campus.
Visit Student Life to learn more about how to get involved in currently active RSOs, start a new RSO, and/or engage in student-led programs.
RSO Essentials
Registering a New RSO
Students are encouraged to form new student organizations. The Student Life staff is available to help guide students through this process. An organized group of enrolled KCC students, coming together for a common purpose, may begin a new RSO.
To register a new RSO, follow these steps:
Ensure that your organization is unique to currently active RSOs
Name your RSO
Develop a constitution for the organization, including:
The name of the organization
Organization objectives and purpose
Membership information
Information about officers and their duties
KCC’s non-discrimination statement
Identify the organization’s advisor(s) by name and position with the College
Include a current list of officers, including their KCC ID numbers and contact information
Include a current list of members (a minimum membership of seven currently enrolled KCC students is required)
Identify the organization’s advisor(s) by name and position/title with the College, and secure a signed Advisor Agreement.
Student Life has several helpful guides available to students and advisors online to support the establishment of a new RSO as well as their annual registration. These guides include a Constitution Building Tool and Membership Roster form which may be useful to you during the writing process, should you need it. You should also work closely with your advisor during the writing process.
Once you and your advisor have agreed upon the Constitution, you should both sign it and schedule a meeting with Student Life for final approval. Once your organization meets the registration requirements, it will be granted active status. Active status will allow your organization to take advantage of the privileges granted to RSOs. This includes access to funding from various campus resources (i.e. Student Life, other supporting campus departments).
Annual Registration for Current RSOs
Student Life requires RSOs to register annually to maintain active status. By registering, RSOs renew access to RSO privileges granted by KCC. To register, RSOs must submit the following information to Student Life:
- Name of RSO
- A Re-affirmed Constitution, including:
- Name of the organization
- Objectives and purpose
- Membership (open or selective, enrolled students only or open, etc.)
- Officers and duties (if not applicable, state that in the Constitution)
- Meetings (frequency, openness, etc.)
- KCC non-discrimination clause
- Compliance statement regarding adherence to the Student Code of Conduct and all College policies
- Other RSO-related information you deem critical to the organization’s purpose and function
- Reaffirmation date and advisor signature
- Advisor(s) name, position/title with the College, and a signed Advisor Agreement.
- College faculty and administrators are eligible to serve as lead advisors
- Current list of officers (if applicable) and members, including student K-ID numbers and contact information.
- Students who are listed as RSO members or officers must be enrolled KCC students during the current academic year and must meet the membership criteria as stated in the RSOs Constitution.
- Meeting information - date(s), time(s), and location
- Any social media/website information for your organization, including Microsoft Teams
This information can be sent electronically to studentlife@kellogg.edu. Failure to register your RSO will result in your organization’s status being moved to Inactive Status and loss of privileges.
The registration deadline will be announced at the beginning of each fall semester. Participation in the annual Bruin Blast event indicates intent to register but does not count as registration.
RSO Privileges
Privileges are granted only to those organizations that officially register and have earned official recognition by the College.
- Advertising Opportunities - RSOs and their programs may be marketing through various means through formal College-associated avenues.
- Campus-Wide Postings - RSOs can request to have promotional materials posted campus-wide. See Student Life Rules and Regulations for more information on this process.
- Financial Account - RSOs will have two accounts with KCC, one for expenditures and one for revenue. RSOs wishing to make a deposit must contact Student Life. Off-campus accounts are not permitted. A KCC financial account allows campus departments to easily transfer funds as a means of support for your organization. Throughout the academic year, Student Life will send an updated account balance to advisors. All funds collected for the purpose of supporting the RSO must be deposited immediately into the appropriate account. RSO members and their advisors will be accountable for the appropriate and timely deposits and expenditures.
- Marketing Assistance - With advanced planning, the KCC Marketing and Communication (MAC) department may be available to provide graphic design services to promote RSOs and their programs. The service may also include the printing process. MAC reserves the right to verify the status of a RSO at any time with Student Life, which may alter the availability of MAC services.
- Official Recognition by the College - KCC will officially recognize student organizations that meet the aforementioned criteria.
- Printing Costs - Student Life supports RSOs in their marketing efforts by paying for internal printing costs associated with activities directly affiliated with RSOs.
- RSO Website - RSOs can create a web presence hosted through KCC’s intranet space. Student Life provides a step-by-step guide to assist in the creation of these sites. RSOs should share the URL and editing authority of published sites with Student Life for promotional and transfer of leadership purposes.
- Student Life Co-Sponsorship - As a co-sponsor of RSO events, Student Life can provide a variety of services to support your organization. Support may come in the form of funding, assistance with event planning, promotion of your event and/or organization, club storage, access to leadership development for officers and members, and/or use of Student Life materials.
- Room Reservations and Meeting Space - RSOs can reserve rooms through their advisors or Student Life. When using space at KCC such as classrooms or conference rooms for meetings, an advisor must be present. If an advisor cannot attend, RSOs may use any public space at KCC (i.e. Student Center) to meet without an advisor.
Field Trips and Overnight Travel
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may wish to plan activities that require travel. Any and all student organization functions involving travel are limited to organization members and approved guests as deemed by Student Life. An advisor for the student organization, or another appropriate KCC employee, must be in attendance for the entire duration of any RSO travel.
An advisor for the RSO should initiate the travel approval process by contacting Student Life. A Field Trip Packet, with all appropriate signatures, should be submitted to the Human Resources office for appropriate action not less than two (2) days prior to departure. Travel outside of the state will require additional signatures as deemed by Student Life.
KCC vehicles may be requested by KCC RSOs for approved travel when accompanied by the advisor. KCC employees must complete the Driving Safety Training and Road Test to be able to drive KCC vehicles (both College-owned and rented). Students are not permitted to drive vehicles rented through KCC or KCC owned vehicles. Students choosing to drive their own vehicle to a destination for the purpose of a RSO-sponsored trip still need to be identified on the Field Trip Request Form.
The RSO advisor should obtain all the necessary information and turn in the completed packet to Student Life for final approval. Once approved, the completed Field Trip Requests are held on file with the Human Resources office.
Overnight Travel
RSO officers, members, and/or advisors planning on overnight travel must submit a Field Trip Request Form and a Travel Request Form along with detailed information about the trip. When KCC funds are being used, including RSO funds, to fund overnight trips, it is required that an advisor (or appropriate delegate who is a KCC employee, as determined by Student Life in advance) will be present for the duration of the trip. Employees are prohibited from sharing overnight lodging with students.
Social Media
RSOs are approved to create and maintain their own accounts on relevant social media platforms such as (but not limited to) Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. In line with KCC’s Freedom of Expression policy, students, and by extension, RSOs are unrestricted in their post content. Individuals using social media on behalf of a KCC RSO are responsible for knowing and abiding by the Student Code of Conduct. RSO postings which violate the Student Code of Conduct by being deemed threatening, profane, obscene or otherwise injurious or illegal will be deleted and responsible students/RSOs will be held accountable.
All RSO accounts should include in their profile description the following statement:
This account is not an official Kellogg Community College communications channel and is not maintained nor monitored by Kellogg Community College. All content, images, views, expressions, and opinions are created by and are solely the responsibility of [name of RSO].
It is a vital part of the annual registration process for groups to submit information about all digital accounts relating to the RSO - including username and password - to their advisor and Student Life. This information will be used in the following ways:
To help potential new students connect to the group through sharing posts where possible.
Ensure compliance with the Student Code of Conduct.
Facilitate smooth transition of leadership from year to year.
Should a club go into hibernation status (not enough currently enrolled students), Student Life will post a notice on social accounts to encourage new students to get interested and revive the club’s work.
Fundraising for RSOs
Student Life encourages its RSOs to participate in fundraising activities. College departments, programs, and RSOs are those whose relationship to the institution is formally recognized and, therefore, fall within acceptable parameters to use the College’s name along with its non-profit status when seeking donations of any kind. Fundraising is defined as an activity whereby a College department, program, or RSO seeks a charitable donation, either monetary or in the form of goods or services, from an external agency for the purpose of financial benefit to the College department, program, or RSO. During such activities when the College’s name is incited in association with any fundraising activity, the College requires that departments, programs, and RSOs acquire written permission from the College prior to beginning fundraising. Inciting the College’s name while engaging in unapproved fundraising activities is strictly prohibited.
RSOs are encouraged to participate in fundraising activities in order to produce revenue for the organization. Student Life must approve all fundraising activities and all fundraising activities must comply with the College’s Fundraising policy .
Any Registered Student Organization on campus wishing to raise funds must obtain approval by the Student Life office prior to beginning any fundraising activities. All fundraising activities must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct. RSOs that engage in fundraising activities without prior approval may be in jeopardy of being placed on probation or losing official registration status.
An advisor or student may initiate the fundraising approval process by completing a Fundraising Request form, which should be submitted within ten (10) business days prior to the date of the fundraiser.
All RSO fundraising activities must be approved by Student Life in advance. Applications can be picked up in Student Life. RSOs must file a revenue report at the completion of all fundraising activities within ten (10) days of the conclusion of the approved fundraising activity. Student Life reserves the right to deny any fundraising activity that may be deemed harmful and/or in violation of KCC policy.
Table Scheduling
RSOs, and other active students, who wish to schedule a promotional table in the Student Center, or other designated location on campus, may schedule with Student Life by sending the requested day(s) and time(s) to studentlife@kellogg.edu. Tables are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Students are expected to have their tables staffed at all times and comply fully with the College’s policies (see the Policies, Procedures, and Other Regulations ). The College is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items.