2023-2024 Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook 
    Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Safety


Campus Law Enforcement - KCC Public Safety


The College’s Department of Public Safety is a fully functioning law enforcement agency with arrest powers and is comprised of a blended force of Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards, certified officers, and unarmed security officers contracted through a licensed State of Michigan security provider. Law enforcement staff carry an official KCC ID. KCC security staff wear official uniforms of the contracted security company and patrol the campus with a marked KCC vehicle equipped for emergencies. The College Public Safety Department also maintains an excellent working relationship with the City of Battle Creek Police Department and other local law enforcement departments that can assist with enforcement of state and local laws and ordinances.

The law enforcement/public safety staff is responsible for:

  • Regularly patrol the Battle Creek campus.
  • Enforce KCC policies and regulations.
  • Call for an ambulance in the case of serious personal injury or illness of students or staff. (KCC personnel are not expected to administer first aid or medication)
  • Work closely with the City of Battle Creek police and fire departments when incidents of a criminal or safety nature occur.
  • Work closely with the City of Coldwater police and fire departments when incidents occur at the Grahl Center.
  • Work closely with the Barry County Sheriff Department and the City of Hastings fire department when incidents occur at the Fehsenfeld Center.
  • Work closely with the Calhoun County Sheriff Department and the Albion fire department when incidents occur at the Eastern Academic Center.

Campus Crime and Security


The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 calls for KCC to provide the following policy statements and statistical reports to students and employees, as well as upon request to prospective students and the higher education community.

College Closing-Weather and Emergency-Related Conditions

It is the policy of KCC to hold regular classes on all scheduled days. If an emergency develops requiring KCC to close and/or cancel classes, you may receive this information via email or text, the KCC website at www.kellogg.edu, and from local television and radio stations.

  • Sign-up for KCC closing and emergency email and text messages in the Bruin Portal “KCC Alert Notification”
  • Detailed information about the KCC Closing Policy is found in the Bruin Portal

Criminal Activity Reporting Procedures

  • Report criminal activity online at www.kellogg.edu/report/
  • Emergency telephones are available in all main campus buildings to contact KCC Public Safety.
  • A phone is available outside the main entrance of all regional center buildings to make local calls or contact 911 to report emergencies.
  • Communicate directly with KCC Public Safety located in the Lane-Thomas Building, 3rd floor offices, 269-965-4147, or ext 4444.
  • Main office phone for Regional Centers:
    • Eastern Academic Center, 517-630-8169
    • Fehsenfeld Center, 269-948-9500
    • Grahl Center, 517-278-3300
    • Regional Manufacturing Technology Center, 269-965-4137

Lost and Found

As a service to the KCC community, the KCC Public Safety office maintains lost and found items. Items turned in to the KCC Public Safety office are held for 30 days; after the holding period, items containing confidential information are permanently disposed of and all other items are donated to local charity. When claiming a lost item, individuals must show ID and sign for the item.

Parking and Motor Vehicle Regulations

  • All motor vehicles that operate within the boundaries of KCC property shall be subject to motor vehicle regulations of both the State of Michigan and KCC.
  • All motor vehicles shall operate only on surfaced roadways and parking areas.
  • The maximum speed permitted for any vehicle operated on campus is 15 mph.
  • Motorized vehicles may be parked on any surfaced parking area not designated as a staff area, reserved area, fire lane, handicapped parking, or other restricted areas. Parking on sidewalks is prohibited. Vehicles shall be parked within the lines (not on or over lines).
  • All roadways and areas, not specifically designated for parking, are considered to be fire lanes and must be kept clear at all times.
  • Any vehicle hindering a handicapped person’s mobility can be impounded by police and towed at the owner’s expense.
  • Any vehicle that remains unmoved for forty-eight (48) consecutive hours shall be considered abandoned and subject to towing. Individuals who find it necessary to leave their vehicle on campus for long periods of time must inform KCC Public Safety to preclude the possibility of towing.
  • Non-motorized conveyances are subject to the regulations of KCC. Bicycles shall be parked in racks provided and are not permitted in buildings.

Parking Violations and Fines

  • KCC Public Safety will issue tickets to vehicles parked in spaces without the proper permit. Vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  • The registered owner of a vehicle, that is in violation of any KCC regulation, shall be liable for all tickets issued and any assessed fine(s).
  • A ten dollar ($10) fine will be assessed for the violation of any parking regulation. Parking fines shall be paid at the Registrar’s office. If a student accumulates six (6) or more unpaid parking tickets, his/her vehicle will be towed at the registered owner’s expense (towing and storage charges assessed by the towing service).
  • Fines for violating handicap parking range from one hundred to two hundred and fifty dollars ($100 to $250) and will be payable to the City of Battle Creek Parking Violations Bureau.

Appeals of Parking Fines

  • Appeals must be made in writing within five (5) business days of the alleged violation(s).
  • Appeals are submitted to the KCC Chief of Public Safety who will render a decision.

Parking for Students with Disabilities

Permits to park in a “handicapped area” must be issued by the Michigan Secretary of State’s office (https://www.michigan.gov/sos/all-services/disability-parking-placard/). Handicap parking is provided at each of KCC’s regional centers and on the Battle Creek campus as follows:

  • Circle Drive
  • Central Street Parking Lot
  • Davidson Center
  • Roll Building
  • Lane-Thomas Building
  • Miller Building

Personal Protection/Restraining Orders

All individuals who obtain a temporary or permanent “Protection from Abuse Order” or “Restraining Order” must provide the KCC Chief of Public Safety with a copy of the order. Procedures are in place to maintain the confidentiality of the information.

Prevention of Crimes

Personal safety measures are important for all students and staff. The following prevention measures are available to you:

  • Stay on lighted walkways and, if possible, walk with a friend.
  • Ask for a KCC Public Safety escort when walking alone in the dark.
  • If a situation occurs, yell or scream; create a commotion and get to a safe place.
  • Keep all possessions in sight to prevent theft of books, purses, wallets, etc.
  • Report any incident to KCC Public Safety at ext. 4444.

KCC Public Safety provides the following preventative services 24 hours a day:

  • Managing campus parking and regulations.
  • Providing an escort to your car or from building to building.
  • Investigating all criminal incidents on campus.
  • Responding to all smoke, fire, and security alarms on campus.
  • Coordinating investigations with local police agencies.
  • Maintaining an accurate and complete record of all incidents occurring on the campus property, within campus buildings, or to students and staff. A log of reportable crimes is part of the Annual KCC Security Report, which is found at www.kellogg.edu/safecampus.

Registered Sex Offender Disclosure Statement

In accordance with the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offenders Registration Act, and the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act:

  • Registered sex offenders must provide notice, as required under state law, where they are employed or enrolled.
  • States must make this information available to a law enforcement agency where the institution of higher education is located.
  • Institutions of higher education must advise the campus community where the information on registered sex offenders can be obtained.

A student who is a registered sex offender must comply with federal and state statutes to register with the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the zip code in which the campus or center where the student is enrolled. Registered sex offenders enrolled at KCC must contact KCC Chief of Public Safety at 269-565-7895 prior to the start of each semester.

Information regarding registered sex offenders can be viewed at www.mipsor.state.mi.us.

Security at Campus Facilities

Rules and regulations are developed regarding access to and security of campus facilities. The College performs regular review of campus facilities including lighting, landscaping, doors, locks, etc. to determine what improvements, if any, need to be made for safety and security.

The following is in place to enhance security and provide a direct line of communication for students and staff:

  • Security surveillance cameras are used to monitor the majority of parking areas and KCC facilities.
  • Emergency telephones are available in all main campus buildings providing immediate access with KCC Public Safety.
  • A phone is available outside the main entrance of all regional center buildings to make local calls or contact 911 to report emergencies.

Threat Assessment and Behavioral Intervention Team (TABI)


Timely Warning

In the event that a crime occurs which is considered to be a threat to students and staff, or an emergency situation exists, a warning will be issued to the campus community via a combination of text messaging, email messaging, building wardens, digital displays, and security runners.

  • Sign-up for emergency text messaging in the Bruin Portal, “KCC Alert Notification.”

Victim’s Rights and Services Available

Information on victims’ rights and services available to victims will be provided to any student who feels they have been the victim of harassment, violence, or a similar concern. Students may also request information from a KCC counselor, KCC Law Enforcement, or KCC Public Safety staff.

Weapons-Free Campus

All weapons are banned from KCC premises.

KCC recognizes that there may be activities related to the educational mission (e.g. physical fitness activities or theatrical productions) that may appear to violate but do not actually violate the intent of the policy. In such cases, the department organization coordinating the activity is responsible to obtain written approval from the KCC Chief of Public Safety (or designee) in advance of the activity.