2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
    Sep 14, 2024  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Accounting, AAS

Program Description

Code 203 - 61 Credits

The Accounting program at Kellogg Community College prepares students to enter the career of accounting in either the public, management, or government accounting areas. The program includes a rigorous curriculum of classroom and lab experiences that prepare the student for success in small or large businesses. Successful completion of program requirements provide the student an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Accounting.

Accounting personnel compile and analyze business records and prepare financial reports, such as: profit and loss statements, balance sheets, cost studies, and tax reports. Entry-level accounting positions are typically in accounts receivable or payable, bookkeeping, or are trainee in nature. Employers have indicated that Accounting graduates with specific skills in financial, cost, managerial, and tax accounting may have an employment advantage.

While this curriculum has been designed for career entry and/or advancement, Kellogg Community College does have articulation agreements with several local universities. Interested students should contact the admissions office of the appropriate institution. Please note that most courses in the Accounting program also offer an online form of delivery in addition to the traditional face-to-face class.


See the following link for program admission information: http://www.kellogg.edu/admissions/.

Prerequisite Requirements

Strong mathematical and reading skills are recommended prior to attempting courses in the accounting program. Students must possess the ability to analyze numbers and make logical decisions.

Required General Education Courses

All first-time KCC students must complete the FYS 101 - First Year Seminar  course with a grade of C or higher.
See an Academic Advisor for course completion and/or any questions pertaining to the FYS course.


For more Accounting program information, see the program webpage: http://www.kellogg.edu/academics/departments/business-information-technology/accounting/.

To apply to the Accounting program and begin mapping your course sequence, use this link advising@kellogg.edu to make an appointment with an academic advisor.